IEEE Trans. Circuits Systems (U.S.A.)

1. V. Singh : "A stability inequality for nonlinear discrete-time systems with slope restricted nonlinearity", vol. 31, pp. 1058-1016 Dec. 1984

2. V. Singh : "A counterexample to a recent MKY type lemma concerning discrete-time system stability", vol. 32, p. 207 Feb. 1985

3. V. Singh : "Lyapunov-based proof of Jury-Lee  's criterion : some appraisals", vol. 32, pp.396-398 Apr. 1985

4. V. Singh : "A new approach to the absolute stability of nonlinear feedback systems with slope-restricted nonlinearity", vol. 32, pp. 402-403 Apr. 1985

5. V. Singh : "Formulation of a criterion for the absence of limit cycles in digital filters designed with one quantizer", vol. 32, pp. 1062-1064 Oct. 1985

6. V. Singh : "A new realizability condition for limit-cycle free state-space digital filters employing saturation arithmetic", vol. 32, pp. 1070-1071 Oct. 1985

7. V. Singh : "Formulation of a discrete MKY lemma", vol. 32, pp. 1184-1185 Nov. 1985

8. V. Singh : "An extension of Jury-Lee's criterion for the stability analysis of fixed-point digital filters designed with two  's complement arithmetic", vol.33, p. 355 Mar. 1986

9. V. Singh : "A generalised viewpoint of a criterion due to D. Mitra",vol. 33, pp.920-921 Sept.1986

10. V. Singh : "Realization of two  's complement overflow limit cycle free state-space digital filters: A frequency- domain viewpoint", vol. 33, pp. 1042-1044 Oct. 1986

11. V. Singh : "A new proof of the discrete-time bounded-real lemma and lossless bounded-real lemma", vol. 34, pp. 960-962 Aug. 1987

12. V. Singh : "On Hilberman  's theorem and the characterization of ideal op amp semindefinite networks", vol. 35, p. 251 Feb. 1988

13. A. Kumar "A simplified viewpoint of two-dimensional

V. Singh : continued fraction inversion based on matrix formulation, vol. 35, pp. 1066-1067 Aug. 1988

14. V. Singh : "On floating impedance simulation", vol. 36, pp. 161-162 Jan. 1989

15. V. Singh : "Proof of a recent conjecture concerning impedance floatation", vol. 36, p. 1110-1113 Aug. 1989

16. V. Singh : "An implementation of CC II Current converyor with application", vol. 36, p. 1250 Sept.1989

17. V. Singh : "A generalized approach for the absolute stability of discrete-time systems utilizingh the saturation nonlinearities, based on passivity properties", vol. 37, pp. 444-447 Mar. 1990

18. V. Singh : "Elimination of overflow oscillations in fixed-point state-space digital filters using saturation arithmetic", vol. 37, pp.814-818 Jun. 1990

19. H. Kar "A new criterion for the overflow stability of V. Singh : second order state-space digital filters using saturation arithmetic", vol. 45, pp. 311-313 Mar. 1998

20. H. Kar "Stability analysis of 2-D state-space digital V. Singh : filters with overflow nonlinearities" To appear

IEEE Proceedings (U.S.A.)

21. V. Singh : "A note on Routh's criterion and Lyapunov direct method of stability", vol. 61, p. 503 Apr. 1973

22. V. Singh : "A counterexample to harmonic linearization" vol. 63, p. 1610 Nov. 1975

23. V. Singh : "On a recent stability conjecture", vol. 63, pp. 1725-1726 Dec. 1975

24. V. Singh : "On Aizerman  's conjecture and the implica-tion", vol. 64, pp. 1014-1015 Jun. 1976

25. V. Singh : "Comments on A counterexample to harmonic linearization  '", vol. 64, p. 104 Jun. 1976

26. V. Singh "Comments on A counterexample to harmonic D.R.Fannin: linearization  '", vol. 64, p. 114 July 1976

27. V. Singh : "A note on Kalman  's conjecture for a class of third -order systems", vol. 64, pp. 1246-1247 Aug. 1976

28. V. Singh "A note on periodic solution of weakly nonlinear T.N.Sharma: systems", vol. 65, p. 574 Apr. 1977

29. V. Singh : "The analysis of a third-order system", vol. 65, pp. 1404-1405 Sept.1977

30. J.M. Holtzman "Comments on A note on periodic solution in T.N. Sharma weakly nonlinear system", vol.66, p. 251 Feb. 1978 V. Singh :

31. A. Kumar "A simplified approach to continuned fraction V. Singh : inversion based on matrix formulation", vol. 66, pp. 1657-1658 Dec. 1978

32. V. Singh : "Realization of floating inductance using current conveyor", vol. 67, pp. 1573-1574 Dec. 1979

33. V. Singh : "A new active-RC realization of floating inductance", vol. 67, pp. 1659-1660 Dec. 1979

34. V. Singh : "Remarks on system simplification using the Routh array", vol. 69, p. 662 May 1981

35. V. Singh : "Stable approximants for stable system : A new approach", vol. 69, pp. 1155-1156 Sept. 1981

36. V. Singh : "On the absolute stability of nonlinear feedback systems", vol. 69, pp. 1584-1585 Dec. 1981

37. V. Singh : "Absolute stability criterion for a class of nonlinear systems with slope-restricted nonlinearity",vol. 70, pp. 1232-1233 Oct. 1982

38. V. Singh : "On the realization of two  's complement overflow limit cycle free state-space digital filters", vol. 74, pp. 1287-1288 Sept.1986

IEEE Trans. Automat. Control (U.S.A.)

39. V. Singh : "A comment on the Lyapunov matrix equation", vol. 19, p. 625 Oct. 1974

40. V. Singh "A note on two counterexamples to Aizerman  's M.R.Mukherjee: conjecture", vol. 20, pp. 179-180 Feb. 1975

41. V. Singh : "Further remarks on third-order systems and Aizerman  's conjecture", vol. 22, pp. 285 Apr. 1977

42. V. Singh : "A note on the Routh - Hurwitz criterion", vol. 23, pp. 83-84 Feb. 1978

43. A.. Kumar "A improved Routh algorithm for continued fraction V. Singh : inversion", vol. 23, pp. 938-940 Oct. 1978

44. R. Unnikrishnan "Comments on A note on the Routh Hurwitz V. Singh : criterion  '", vol. 23, p. 1116 Dec. 1978

45. V. Singh : "Nonuniqueness of model reduction using the Routh approach", vol. 24, pp. 650-651 Aug. 1979

46. V. Singh : "A note on continued fraction inversion", vol. 24, pp. 664-666 Aug. 1979

47. A. Kumar "On matrix continued fraction inversion", V. Singh : vol. 24, pp. 666-667 Aug. 1979

48. T.N. Sharma "On the absolute stability of continuous-time V. Singh : nonlinear systems", vol. 25, pp.332-334 Apr. 1980

49. V. Singh : "Comments on the dominant eigenvalue selection", vol. 25, p. 1253 Dec. 1980

50. V. Singh : "Improved stable approximants using the Routh stability array", vol. 26, pp. 581-583 Apr. 1981

51. T.N. Sharma "On the absolute stability of nonlinear multivariables V. Singh : discrete time systems", vol. 26, pp. 585-586 Apr. 1981

52. V. Singh : "Routh-Hurwitz criterion: e -method", vol. 26, p. 612 Apr. 1981

53. T.N. Sharma "Oscillation criteria of the Aizerman type : Second- V. Singh : order systems", vol. 26, pp. 961-965 Aug. 1981

54. V. Singh : "On the existence of Lyapunov function for absolute stability of nonlinear feedback systems", vol. 27, pp. 963-964 Aug. 1982

55. N. Ashoor "A note on low order modeling", vol. 27, V. Singh : pp.1124-1126 Oct. 1982

56. V. Singh : "A note on the extended MKY lemma", vol. 27, p. 1264 Dec. 1982

57. V. Singh : "Extended MKY lemma-what shall it be ?", vol. 27, pp. 627-628 May 1983

58. D.P. Atherton "Remarks on oscillation criteria in second-order V. Singh : systems", vol. 29, pp. 381-384 June 1984

59. V. Singh : "A stability inequlity for nonlinear feedback systems with slope-restricted nonlinearity", vol. 29, pp. 743-744 Aug. 1984

60. D. Chandra " A computer-aided approach for Routh-Pad� V. Singh : approximants based on geometric programming" To appear

IEEE Trans. Industrial Electron. (U.S.A.)

61. V. Singh "Automatic vol.tage regulation of dc shunt S.K. Kak generators", vol. 20, pp. 58-59 May 1973 S. Rangarajan:

62. V. Singh : "Application of power transistor as a slip regulator to dc shunt and compound motors", vol. 20, pp. 59-60 May 1973

63. V. Singh : "On alternator voltage regulator", vol. 21, p. 42 Feb. 1974

64. V. Singh : "An increased-capacity transistorised regulator for dc shunt generators", vol. 21, p. 103 May 1974

65. V. Singh : "Series operation of a dc shunt motor", vol. 21, p. 205 Aug. 1974

66. V. Singh : "Distortion-free output realizability in a class of nonlinear electronic oscillators", vol. 22, pp. 568-569 Nov. 1975

67. D.K. Mallik "Transient stability of a recent regulator", vol. 23, V. Singh : pp. 104-105 Feb. 1976

68. V. Singh : "A note on a class of nonlinear oscillators", vol. 23, pp. 332-333 Aug. 1976

69. V. Singh : "A circuit for constant current output", vol. 26, p. 244 Nov.1979

IEEE Trans. Signal Processing (U.S.A.)

70. H. Kar "Stability analysis of 2-D state-space digital filters V. Singh : using Lyapunov function: A caution", vol. 45, pp. 2620-2621 Oct. 1997

IEE Proceedings (U.K.)

71. V. Singh : "New floating point impedance simulation using operational amplifiiers", vol. 135, Part G, pp. 116- 118 Jun. 1988

72. T.S. Rathore "Remarks on new floating point impedance simulation V. Singh : using operational amplifiers", vol. 136, Part G, p. 155 Jun. 1989

Electronics Letters (U.K.)

73. V. Singh : "A novel sinusoidal oscillator employment grounded capacitor", vol. 16, pp. 757-758 Sept. 1980

74. V. Singh : "A novel active RC realisation of tunable floating inductors", vol. 16, p. 758 Sept. 1980

75. V. Singh : "Comments on stable reduced-order Pad� approximants using stability equation method", vol. 16, p. 820 Oct. 1980

76. V. Singh : "Active RC single-resistance-controlled lossless floating inductance simulation using single grounded capacitor", vol. 17, pp. 920-921 Nov. 1981

77. N. Ashoor "Remarks on system simplification under the V. Singh : consideration of time-responses, vol. 18, pp. 496-497 Jun. 1982

International J. Electronics (U.K.)

78. V. Singh : "Speed and voltage regulation of the shunt machine using power transistor in field circuit", vol. 37, pp.465-468 Oct. 1974

79. T.N. Sharma "Remarks on improved vander Pol equation", V. Singh : vol. 43, p. 621 Dec. 1977

International J. Control (U.K.)

80. V. Singh : " Limitation of the rearranged Routh table for continued fraction expansion and inversion", vol. 33, p. 95 Jan. 1981

J. Inst. Engr. Electronics Division (India)

81. V. Singh : "Optimal control of time-delay systems", vol. 52, pp. 234-237 May 1972

82. V. Singh : "Root locus analysis of stability of a class of nonlinear systems", vol. 53, pp. 200-201 May 1973

83. V. Singh : "Stability of nonlinear feedback sytstems", vol. 54, pp. 131-132 Aug. 1974

84. V. Singh : "Realizaion of bounds for a class of nonlinear systems", vol. 55, pp. 31-32 Dec. 1974

85. V. Singh : "Verification of a stability conjecture for a class of systems", vol. 59, pp. 23-24 Aug. 1978

86. A. Kumar "On e -method in R-H criterion", vol.61, p. 15 Aug. 1980 V. Singh :


87 V. Singh : "Realization of bounds for a class of nonlinear systems",Inst. of Engr. Conf. Hyderabad (India) Aug. 1974

88 V. Singh : "On an nth-order model and Aizerman  's conjecture", National Systems Conf., Delhi (India) Nov. 1974

89. T.N. Sharma "Stability criteria for a class of nonliner stochastic V. Singh : systems", National Systems Conf., Ludhiana (India) Sept.1979

90. A. Kumar "On continued fraction inversion", National Systems V. Singh : Conf., Ludhiana (India) Sept.1978

91. A. Kumar "A rearranged Routh table for continued fraction V. Singh expansion and inversion", National Systems Conf. C.P. Gupta : (India) Sept.1978

92. T.N. Sharma " MKY lemma for nonlinear discrete time systems", V. Singh : Control Systems Conf., Kurukshetra (India) Jan. 1979

93. D. Chandra "Improved Routh-Pad� approximants based on a V. Singh : reformulation of the stability constraints", Int. Conf.

Simul. Model. (France) Jun. 1986

94. D. Chandra "A computer aided approach for Routh-Pad� V. Singh : approximants (Part I)", Midwest Symp. on circuits

and Systems (U.S.A.) Aug. 1989

95. D. Chandra " A computer-aided approach for Routh-Pad� V. Singh : approximants (Part II)", National Conf. on Electronic

Circuits and Systems", Roorkee (India) Nov. 1989

96. V. Singh : "Overflow oscillations in digital filters", National Conf. on Electronics Circuits and Systems, Roorkee (India) Nov.1989

97. D. Chandra "An investigation of the effect of time moments and V. Singh : Markov parameters on time response", National Systems Conf., Kharagpur (India) Dec. 1989

98. V. Singh : "Computationally efficient low roundoff noise digital filter sections, which are free of zero input overflow

oscillations with saturation arithmetic", Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systems (U.S.A.) Aug. 1991

99. V. Singh : "Zero-input response of fixed point state-space digital filters using saturation arithmetic: A generalized approach", National Systems Conf., Roorkee (India) Mar. 1992


Completed an invited (Survey) paper entitled "Limit Cycles in Digital Filters" for Journal of Indian Telephone Industries (Bangalore).


Published (by invitation from Editors) number of book reviews for various journals including IEEE Transactions (U.S.A.)

100. T.N. Sharma, "Measuring techingques in transistors" Inst. Engrs. (India), Vol. 53, ET-C, pp. 245-251, July, 1973.

102. T.N. Sharma and V. Singh, "A note on periodic solutions in weakly nonlinear systems", Proc. IEEE (Letters), Vol. 65, p.574, April, 1977.

103. T.N. Sharma and V. Singh, "Comments on An improved Van-der-pol equation and some of its possible applications Inst. J. Electronics, Vol. 43, No.6, p. 621, 1977.

104. T.N. Sharma, "Comments on Multiple Time Scaling for Analysis of Third-order Non-linear Differential equations", Journ. Scound and Vibr., Vol. 61, No.1, pp. 137-138, 1978.

105. T.N. Sharma and V. Singh, "Stability Criteria for a Class of Non-linear Stochastic Systems", Proc. Fifth Nat. Systems Conf., Ludhiana, India, pp. 195-197, Sept. 1978.

106. T.N. Sharma and V. Singh, "MKY lemma for nonlinear sampled data systems" Proc. Nat. Symp. Ind. Syst. inform. Process Control, Kurukshetra India, Jan. 1979.

107. J.C. Biswas, A.K. Malviya and T.N. Sharma, "A Scheme for devices fabrication laboratory with Microprocessors, Proc. Symp. on Minimicro Computers and Automation, Roorkee, India, March, 1979.

108. T.N. Sharma and V. Singh, "On the absolute stability of continuous time nonlinear systems", IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, Vol. AC-25, pp. 332-334, April, 1980.

109. T.N. Sharma and V. Singh, "On the absolute stability of multi-variable discrete-time nonlinear systems" IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-26, pp. 585-586, April 1981.

110. T.N. Sharma and V. Singh, "Oscillation Criteria of the Aizerman type: Second-order systems", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-26, pp. 961-965, Aug. 1981.

111. S.Tiwari at al "Effect of Phase Noise on the Power Spectral Density of a Coherent Heterodyne AM-DSB Optical receiver". Proceeding of the Annual IEEE Laser and Electro-optics Society Meeting pp. 103-108 Oct. 1989.

112. S. Tiwari et. al., "Effect of Phase Noise on the performance of Coherent Optical Fiber Communication System" Proc. of IEEE Region 10 International Conference, pp. 276-283, Nov. 1989.

113. S. Tiwari, et. al., Effect of Laser Linewidth on Power Spectral Density of a CMI coded signal Transmitted through Fiber Optic Heterodyne System." Proc. of the NSC- 89, pp. 258-260.

114. S. Tiwari, et. al., "Effect of phase Noise on the performance of Multichannel Coherent Optical Communication System." Proceeding International Conference Communication IEEE 90, Singapore, Nov. 5-9, 1990.

115. S. Tiwari, et. al., "Probability of Error Bound for Optical. ASK Heterodyne System with Envelope detection", International J. of Optoelectronics, Vol. 5, No. 4 pp. 319-327, 1990.

116. S. Tiwari, et. al., "Semiconductor Laser Noise in Coherent Optical Fiber Communication System", Proceeding of National Symposium on Emerging Traders in Communication Technology, Jodhpur, March 16-17, 1990.

117. S. Tiwari, et. al., "Influence of laser phase Noise on the performance of an Optical Heterodyne Communication System". Proceeding of the National Conference on Electronic circuits and system, Nov. 1989. pp. 334-346.

118. S. Tiwari, et. al., "Power Spectral Density of mB1C Coded Signal Transmitted through Fiber-Optic Heterodyne System". Proceeding National System Conference, Aligarh 1990.

119. S. Tiwari, et. al., "Effect of Chromatic Dispersion on the Performance of a Multichannel Heterodyne Optical Communication System". Proceeding National Seminar on Optoelectronics Baroda, March 1990.

120. S. Tiwari, et. al., "Effect of Chromatic Dispersion on the Performance of an ASK Heterodyne System with envelope Detection". Proceeding IEEE Region 10 International Conference, August 1991, pp. 315-317.

121. S. Tiwari, et. al., "Power Penalty due to phase Noise in ASK Heterodyne Lightwave System". Proceeding of COMCONEL 1991, Egypt. Dec. 19-21, 1991.

122. R. Tripathi and S. Tiwari, "Performance of Multistage Interconnection Network Using Hybrid Switching". Proceeding of IEEE International Conference Nov. 1992, Calcutta.

123. S. Tiwari, et. al., "Aspect of Hybrid switching on the Performance of Multistage Inter Connecting network". Proceeding of the National System Conference 1993, pp. 139-142.

124. R. Triapthi and S. Tiwari , "Performance of ASK lightwave transmission System". Proceeding of National Convention of Electronics Engineers, Lucknow, Dec. 1993.

125. S. Tiwari, "A Modified Routing Algorithm for ARPNET". Proceeding of the National Conference on Data Communication, 24-25, April Patna, 1994.

126. S. Tiwari et. al., "Performance of Multichannel heterodyne system". Proceeding National Conference on Optical Communication Feb. 22-24, 1995 Allahabad.

127. N.K. Pandey , R. Tripathi and S. Tiwari, "A self Routing Multistage ATM switch for B-ISON". Proceeding of National Symposium on Fiber optic communication, Networking and Sensors. pp. C9 - C18, Dec. 8-9, 1995, IIT Kanpur.

128. G.R. Dash, R. Tripathi and S. Tiwari, "Modified Access scheme for voice and Data integration on CSMA/CD local area network". Proceeding 19th. National System Conference, Dec. 14-16, 1995, Coiambatore.

129. C.B. Pandey , R. Tripathi and S. Tiwari, "A new hybrid switching integration model for voice and data". Proceeding of IEEE Network 96 pp. 129-137 Bombay.

130. P.S. Negi, R. Tripathi and S. Tiwari, "Performance Analysis of a modified Rign connected-ring network," Journal of C.S.I. Volume 5 pp. 18-27 Sept. 1996.

131. R. Tripathi and S. Tiwari, "Performance of a Banyan based ATM Network using hybrid switching technique". Proc. , COMNETI 96, Oct. 11-12 , 1996, Lucknow.

132. P.S. Patil and S. Tiwari, "Performance of Coherent optical QPSK Heterodyne communication, System (Urcoded/coded) in presence of phase noise". Proc. IEEE ICC  ' 96 Singapore, 25-29, Nov. 1996.

133. N.K. Pandey, R. Tripathi and S. Tiwari, "A self Routing Multistage ATM switch for B-ISDN". International Journal of Computers and its applications. Vol 5, no. 1, pp. 23-28, March 1998.

134. A.J. Agarwal and S. Tiwari, "Performance evaluation of buffered double path omega network based interconnection structure for ATM switch" National Symposium on Application of signal processing (ASP -98) Sept. 12-13, 1998, Lucknow.

135. N. Steender et. al "Modified signalling and Routing protocol for ATM extended Banyan Networks". Proc. of MICC & NICE 99 Nov. 17-19, Malaysia.

136. S. Kumar and S. Tiwari, "Performance of a Buffered Banyan ATM switch for B-ISDN". Proc. of 23rd National system conference, 9-11 Dec. 1999, Varanasi.

137. K.S. Raju et. al, "Design and Evaluation of a Bufferedxmin network based interconnection structure for ATM switch". Proc. ADCOM-99 Dec., 20-22, 1999, Roorkee (U.P.).

138. A. Agarwal and S. Tiwari, "Fuzzy logic and neural network based call admission control in ATM Networks : A comparative study". Proc. ADCOM-99 Dec., 20-22, 1999, Roorkee (U.P.).


162. H. Kar and V. Singh, "Stability analysis of 2-D state-space digital filters using Lyapunov function : a caution", IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 45, 2620-2621, Oct. 1997.

163. H. Kar and V. Singh, "A new criterion for the overflow stability of second-order digital filters using saturation arithmetic", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, vol. 45, pp.311-313, Mar. 1998.

164. H. Kar and V. Singh, "An improved criterion for the asymptotic stability of 2-D digital filters described by the Fornasini-Marchesini second model using saturation arithmetic", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, vol. 46, pp. 1412-1413, Nov. 1999.

165. H. Kar and V. Singh, "Stability analysis of 2-D state-space digital filters with overflow nonlinearities", Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I (To appear).


166. P.K. Mukherjee, S.K. Sharma, K.P. Singh, H. Kar, Raghunath, "Remote detection of burried objects at microwave frequncies" presented at XXX COSPER, held at Hamberg, Germany 11-21, July 1994.

Research Publications

1.R. Tripathi & S. Tiwari "Performance of MINS using Hybrid Switching" Proc.of IEEE International conference, Nov. 1992 at Calcutta, India.

2. R.Tripathi et. al " Aspects of Hybrid Switching on the performance of MIN." Proc, of National Systems conference at IIT, Kanpur, India Dec.1993, pp 139-142.

3. R. Tripathi & S. Tiwari " Performance of ASK Lightware framomission System" Proc. of National convention of Electronic Engineers held at Lucknow, India, Dec.1993.

4. R. Tripathi " A Modified Routing Algorithm for ARPANET" Proc. of National conf. on Data communication 24-25 April, Patna, India.

5. R. Tripathi & S.Tiwari "Performance of Multichannel hetrodyne System" Proc. of National conf. on optical communication Feb.22-24,1995 Allahabad, India.

6. N.K. Pandey, R. Tripathi & " A self- routing multistage ATM Switch for B.-ISDN"

7. G.R. Dash, R Tripathi & S. Tiwari "Modified Access Scheme for voice and Data Integration on CSMA/CD LANs" Proc. of 19th National Systems conference Dec,14-16, 1995 Coimbator, India.

8. P.S. Negi, R.Tripahti & S. Tiwari " Performance Analysis of a modified Ring- Connected-Ring Network" CSI- Journal on Comp. Sc. & Informatics Vol. 26-no.3, Sept. 1996 pp 1-6.

9. C.B.Pandey,R.Tripathi & S.Tiwari " A New hybrid Switching integration model for voice and data" Proc of Networks 96 pp 12.9.95 at Bombay

10. R. Tripathi & S. Tiwari "Performance of a Banyan Based ATM Network using hybrid switching Tech" Proc. COMNET 96 Oct. 11.12, 1996, Lucknow India.

11.R. Tripathi et. al. The performance of a LOS Microware Communication Systems" Proc.V International Congress and Exhibition, NAFEN New Delhi, India, 1992.

12. R. Tripathi " Mailing of Speech through computers" Proc of National Seminar on Computer Processing of Hindi Languages pp TS-3-6-1-,4.held at Allahabad, India, 1993.

13. R. Tripathi & S. Tiwari "Performance Analysis of a Self Routing Multistage ATM switch for B-ISDN" Proc of 5th International conference on Telecommunication Systems Modelling & Analysis held on March,20-23, 1997 at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA.

14. R. Tripathi & M.R. Mukerjee "Performance of Dilated Banyan ATM switch with input-output buffering and Recirculation" Proc. IEEE MICC- 95 at Kuala Lampur, Malaysia 1995.

15. P.Rodrigues,R.Tripathi et. al. "Topological Equivalence of Multistage Interconnection Networks" Proc of IEEE- MICC -95 held at Kuala- Lampur, Malaysia pp 10.7.1-

16. R. Tripathi & S. Tiwari "A self-Routing Multistage ATM switch for B-ISDN" Accepted for publication in International Journal of Computers & their Applications, Washington DC USA.

17. S. Tiwari Proc. of National Symposium on Fibre optic communication Networking & Sensors, Dec. 8-9, 1995, IIT Kanpur India.

18. G.R. Dash & R. Tripathi "New Integration Scheme for Voice and Data on

CSMA/CD network" Proc. of IEEE-MICC -97 11-13

Nov. 1997 at Kuala Lampur, Malasiya

18. Rajeev Tripathi "Performance of Banyan based ATM Switch with Cut-Through technique for B-ISDN" Proc. of IEEE-MICC-97, 11-13 Nov.,97 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

19. R. Tripathi " Modified Signalling and Routing protocol for AMT extended Banyan Networks" Communicated to MICC-99. To be held at Malaysia.

20. R. Tripathi "Performance Analysis of Modified Multicast ATM Switch for B-ISDDN" Communicated to MICC-99. To be held at Malaysia.

21. Rishi Kumar & R. Tripathi "A Modified Approach for Adaptive flow control and bandwidth Allocation in ATM Networks".

22. R. Tripathi "Design and Evaluation of a Buffer X min Network Based Interconnection structure for ATTM Switches" Submitted ADCOM-99. 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications to be held on Dec. 20-22, 1999 at Roorkee (India).

23. S.S. Chaudhary & R. Tripathi "Design of High frequency Integrators with large Dynamic range Using Composite operational amplifiers". Submitted for Presentation at 8th International Symposium on Integrated Circuits, Devices and systems ISIC-99 to be held at Singapore on 8-9,sep99.