- An Online One Week Short Term Course on "Power Electronics and Renewable Integration for Consumer Applications (PERICA-2020)", September 16th to 20th,2020.(Last date for registration extended till 15/09/2020 and No short listing criteria- All the applications will be considered.)
- A self-finance short term course on “Safety Aware Peaceful Life in COVID-19 (SAPLC- 2020): A Computer Science Perspective” organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering scheduled on 28th July– 02nd August, 2020. Last Date to Receive Online Registrations: 27th July, 2020. For Detailed Information [Click Here ]
- Five days Online Workshop on Emerging IT Technologies, May 29-Jun -02, 2020.
- TEQIP-III Sponsored Five days Online Workshop cum Faculty Development Program on Data Sciences, May 04-08, 2020. [Jointly Organized by MNNIT Allahabad & KNIT, Sultanpur].
- ATAL Online Faculty Development on Artificial Intelligence May 18-22, 2020.
- ATAL Online Faculty Development on Artificial Intelligence May 04-08, 2020.
- ATAL Online Faculty Development on Artificial Intelligence May 11-15, 2020.
- ATAL Online Faculty Development on Artificial Intelligence April 27 - May 01, 2020.
- One week self financed course on" Foundation: Analysis Design and Construction Technique (FACT-2020)".
A one week online ISEA-II sponsored Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Information Security and Privacy 2020 (ISP 2020) organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, rescheduled on 26th – 30th May, 2020. Last Date to Receive Applications: 24th May, 2020. For Detailed Information. [click here] [Shortlisted candidate list of ISP 2020][Registration Closed] [The scheduled FDP on ISP 2020, during 13th -17th March, 2020, was postponed due to COVID 19 pandemic.]
[Brochure ] [Registration From] [PDF][DOC] - Short Term Training Program on Data Analytics and its Applications in Management (STTP-DAAM) to be organized by SMS MNNIT Allahabad from 04/02/2020 to 08/02/2020. [APPLICATION FORM]
- Self-Financed Short-term Course on “Resilient Operation and Control of Microgrid (ROC-μG)” January 6-10, 2020 Organized by Department of Electrical Engineering Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad.
- Short Term Training Programme on “Structural Integrity and Reliability" from December 23 to 27, 2019 Sponsored by TEQIP-III and Jointly Organized by Mechanical Engineering Department MNNIT Allahabad and KNIT, Sultanpur.
- AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy sponsored Programme on Block Chain to be held from September 16-20, 2019. [Registration Form]
- Short Term Training Program on Developing Massive Open Online Courses Sponsored under TEQIP-III Project
- Self-Financed Short Term Course on, 'Numerical and Optimization Techniques (NOT-2019)’, from November 08 -12, 2019.
- Self- financed Short Term Course on Food and health biotechnology solutions to life: An improved way to living (FHBS- 2019) 20-26 December, 2019.
- Work shop on INGSA Science Advice on Nutrition and Health during December 17-18, 2019 at MNNIT Allahabad.
- Short Term Course " Design of Water Retaining Structure (DWRS)" which is going to be organized on October 14-18 2019.
- A Workshop on “NBA Accreditation: Regulations and Procedure" on July 27, 2019 Sponsored by TEQIP-III, Jointly Organized by MNNIT Allahabad & KNIT, Sultanpur.
- Short Term Training Program on Publishing Research in High-Value Journals during July 30 - August 03, 2019, Organized by School of Management Studies, MNNIT Allahabad.
- One week short term course on Numerical techniques for scientific computations (NTSC-2019) during july 15-19,2019 jointly organised by Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, KNIT, Sultanpur and Department of mathematics , MNNIT, Allahabad.
- InSAR: Theory, Processing and Application form August 12- 16, 2019. [Registration form ]
- GIAN course on "Interface between Nanoparticles and Living Systems : Ethical and Translational Dimensions" scheduled during July 15 - 26 , 2019.
- Short Term Course " Software Application in Design of Structures (SADS-2019)" which is going to be organized on 8 JULY- 12 JULY 2019, by Civil Engineering Department.
- Self financed short term course on Food and health biotechnology solutions to life: An improved way to living (FHBS-2019) in the department of Biotechnology.
- Self-Financed Seven days Workshop on Applied Research Methodology in Social Sciences scheduled during June 17 to June 23, 2019 is being organized by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences. [Registration Form]
- Skill development program on “Basic Computer Training (BCT-2019)” from 24th – 29th June, 2019.
- One Week 2nd National workshop on “Advances in Wireless and Optical Networks (AWON-2019)” during May 27, 2019-June 01, 2019.
- Gian brochure on "Introduction to Image based modeling and simulation: Applications in Musculoskeletal Biomechanics" from 22 to 26 April,2019.
- One week self financed Workshop On Power System Practices: Analysis & Design (PSPAD-2019) 20-24 May, 2019.
- One week short term course on Emerging Power Technologies & Management (EPTM-2019) in collaboration with the Department of Electrical Engineering, KNIT Sultanpur under the twinning scheme of TEQIP-III at KNIT Sultanpur.
- Workshop on "Advanced Embedded System and Microelectronics AESM-2019" scheduled from 1st to 5th April 2019.
- 2- day National Workshop on “Water Treatment Options for Priority Drinking water Pollutants in Rural Areas”
Short Term Course On "Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Low Dimension Materials [SCALDM 2019]" April 08-12, 2019 Jointly Organized By Department of Physics Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj - 211004 (INDIA) & Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities (APSH) KNIT Sultanpur, U. P.-228118, India under twinning activity of TEQIP-III MNNIT Allahabad. [Brochure] [Postponed till further notice]
- ACADEMIA-INDUSTRY Conclave- 2019: Department of Biotechnology MNNIT Allahabad .
- Self sponsored summer Training cum Internship Programme in Civil Engineering (STIPCE-2019) to be held from 10th June to 05th of July, 2019. [Brochure] [Registration Form]
Self-financed Workshop cum Summer Training Programme on "RESEARCH ASPECTS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING" (RACE– 2019), May 24 - July 06, 2019. [POSTER]
- GIAN Course on " Emerging Biophotonics Solutions for Disease Diagnosis" scheduled during April 01-12, 2019
- TEQIP-III Sponsored National Workshop on Advances in Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics (ACFD-2019) scheduled during 6-11 March 2019 at MNNIT Allahabad.
- A Self Financed Short Term Course on "Emerging Trends in Thermal Engineering" (ETTE-2018) being organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad (postponed to March 1-5, 2019).
- GIAN Course on "Multiphase Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer" scheduled during 12-17 March 2019 at MNNIT Allahabad.
- National Workshop on BioTechnological Approaches for Industrial Waste Management and Renewable Energy ( 1 - 7 Apr 2019 )
- TEQIP-III SPONSORED ONE WEEK SHORT TERM COURSE on " Emerging Trends in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ETLSCCM-2018)".(postponed to 18- 22 feb 2019)
- A self sponsored training programme “In vitro Diagnostic Platforms for biomarker detection” is scheduled to be held from Feb 18-24, 2019.
- Short term training programs on Case Methods
- GIAN course entitled " Contaminated Sites: Assessment, Remediation and Risk (GIAN-CS 2018)" in Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad, India from November 19– 23, 2018.
- Short Term Course on "Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis" at the Department of Biotechnology,during December 17-23, 2018.
- Short-Term Course on 'Advances and Applications of Nanofluids' (NanoFluids-2018) scheduled during 23-28 October 2018 at MNNIT Allahabad.
- Department of Chemical Engineering, M.N.N.I.T., Allahabad is organizing a one week course titled "Renewable and Sustainable Technologies for Fuels, Chemicals and Power Production (GIAN-RST-2018)" under GIAN programme of MHRD, Govt. of India from September 24 – 28, 2018.
- SHORT TERM COURSE ON “Advances in Materials and Manufacturing (AMM-2018)” during October 12-16, 2018.
- National Workshop on Foldscope (Under the DBT Foldscope initiative) 31st August –01st September, 2018 Organised by: Dr. Vishnu Agarwal Principal Investigator Department of Biotechnology Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad ALLAHABAD, 211004, India
- 2nd Short Term Course On Advances in Power Technologies (APT-2018) 10th – 14th September, 2018 Sponsored by TEQIP-III Jointly Organized By Department of Electrical Engineering Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Allahabad, U. P.-211004, India & Department of Electrical Engineering KNIT Sultanpur, U. P.-228118, India [Registration]
- Renewable and Sustainable Technologies for Fuels, Chemicals and Power Production (GIAN-RST-2018)
- GIAN course entitled "Renewable and Sustainable Technologies for Fuels, Chemicals and Power Production (GIAN-RST-2018)" India from September 24 – 28, 2018
- "2nd One Week Short Term Course on Advances in Power Technologies (APT-2018)"[Registration]
- Self-Financed Short Term Course on, 'Numerical and Optimization Techniques (NOT-2018)", from October 12-16, 2018.
A Self Financed Short Term Course on "Emerging Trends in Thermal Engineering" (ETTE-2018) being organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad (postponed to March 1-5, 2019).[Replaced Brochure]
- Short Term Training Program on Publishing Research in High Value Journals July 16-21, 2018 Origanized by SMS MNNIT Allahabad.
- Short term course on "Composite Materials: Overview, Characterization and Applications (CMOCA-2018)" during July 16-20, 2018.
Seven days long self financed workshop on Qualitative Research Methodology in Social Sciences being organised by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, MNNIT Allahabad during June 11-17, 2018. [Registration form]
“National Instructional Workshop on Cryptology-2018 (NIWC-2018), 6-10 June 2018” [Form ]
Short-term course FACT 2018
TEQIP III sponsored one week workshop on " Soft Skills" ( SS - 2018) from May 21, 2018 to May 25, 2018 [Registration form]. [Last Date Extended to: 16th May 2018].
One week self-financed workshop on Data Analytics and Machine Learning with R (DAMLR-2018) from28th May 2018 to 1st June 2018at CSED, MNNIT Allahabad [Information Brochure ] . For details visit - damlr.mnnit.ac.in
Workshop on Image and Video Analytics (WIVA-2018) from March 29, 2018 to April 02, 2018, at CSED, MNNIT Allahabad. [RegistrationForm ] [Poster] "last date of registration extended till 22nd March 2018"
GIAN Course on "Active Flow Control: Concepts and Applications" scheduled during 12 -17 March 2018 at MNNIT Allahabad.
One day Workshop on “Recent Advances in Geotechnical Engineering (RAGE-2018)”,February 5, 2018 Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad. [REGISTRATION FORM]
One week workshop on "Current Trends in Cyber Crime and Security (CTC2S 2018)" Sponsored by ISEA –Phase II, Organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering during January 27 – 31, 2018. [REGISTRATION CLOSED]
[List of participants:CTCCS-2018]
"Research- Academia-Industry Interaction (RAII-2018)" workshop to be held during February 3-4, 2018
"On-Spot Registration accepted against few vacant seats for one weak workshop, Workshop on Network Simulation - 2017 (WNS-2017) from 8th -12th July, 2017 at CSED, MNNIT, Allahabad."
One week Workshop on Network Simulation (WNS-2017) scheduled on 8th 12thJuly, 2017. Extended Date to Receive Applications:5th July, 2017. For Detailed Information [click here]
“Two-week Self-financed short term course on Data Structures and Algorithms, (DSA-2017) Enhance your skills as a programmer” scheduled during June 19th 2017– July 01st 2017, at CSED MNNIT Allahabad, Allahabad. Extended Date to Receive Applications: 8th June, 2017. For Detailed Information [click here]
National Mission on Power Electronics Technology STC APERER-2017 from July 21-23, 2017.
Two Weeks Self Financed Workshop On Multimedia Processing and its Security (WMPS - 2017) “A view through eyes of researchers” Date: 29th May, 2017 – 09th June, 2017 Organized CSED MNNIT Allahabad. Extended Date to Receive Applications: 23 rd May, 2017. For Detailed Information [click here]
One week workshop on “Antenna Design and Signal Processing Techniques for 5G Networks and IoT”.
GIAN course entitled "Electroacoustic Transducer – Product Design and Development (ETPDD 2017)" during Feb. 26 – March 3, 2017."GIAN sponsored Course on Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics in Sports during 3-8 April 2017 at MNNIT Allahabad"
Short Term Training Program on Chitin & Chitosan Science: A Research Gateway, December 14-20, 2016.
Self Financed Short Term Course on “Research methodologies, Data analysis and Stress tolerance in Plants” 21 to 27January, 2017.
One-Week Self Financed Short Term Course On Application of MATLAB in Science,Technology and Management (AMSTM-2016) (December 01-07, 2016)
GIAN Course on "Emerging Trends in Bio-Robotics for Development of Prosthetic and Orthotic Devices"
Soft Switched & Resonant DC to DC Converter Topologies & their control A GIAN COURSE Venue: MNNIT ALLAHABAD Date: 19 to 23 December 2016 By Prof. Praveen Jain.
GIAN brochure for Computational Simulation of Bio-fluid Systems
TEQIP-II Sponsored Short Term Course on "Advances in Bioscience and Bioengineering" during 19-25, 2016
One Week Short-Term Course on Social Issues and Technology (October 20-26, 2016)
TEQIP-II Sponsored Short Term Course on “Current Advances in Applied Biotechnology” October 13 –19, 2016
Short Term Training Program on Qualitative Research Methods from 18th to 24th October 2016 [brochure ]
Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures (LSDSS-2016) 11 October -16 October, 2016 Department of Civil Engineering Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Allahabad-211004, India .
One week Workshop on Network Simulation (WNS-2016) scheduled on September 28 th - 2 nd October,
2016. Extended Date to Receive Applications: 20 th September, 2016. For Detailed Information [click here]
3 Days Workshop on Water Chemistry: Some Basic Aspects September 23-25, 2016
One Week Self-Financed Refresher Course On Data Structures (DS-2016) From: 4th July- 8th July, 2016 .[Registration Date Extended upto June 20, 2016]
Short listed candidates WISRIC-2016.
"One Week Workshop On Information Security: Research Issues and Challenges March 17 – 21, 2016 Sponsored by: ISEA – Phase II.[click here for more information]"
" One week short term course on " Modeling and Simulations at Nanoscale and Nanostructures (MSNN 2016)" under GIAN scheme "
Click Here for online Registration
Self Financed Workshop on "Flow Cytometry: Applications in Research, Diagnostics and Health Care Innovation is scheduled on December 15-21, 2015
Short Term Course on Water Research by Chemistry Department.
Self Financed Workshop on "DNA Sequencing : Applications in Diagnostics and Health Care Innovation"
Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures-2015
A workshop on Information and Cyber security (“SURAKSHA-2015”) is scheduled on August 19-23, 2015. Registration is open for details please click on [suraksha.mnnit.ac.in].
"Self Financed Short Term Course on, 'Numerical and Optimization Technique (NOT-2015)'"
International Workshop on "Advances in Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics" (ACFD-2015) is scheduled on August 12-16, 2015. [Brochure] [Registration Form] ----->>>> A few seats are left for ACFD-2015. For Registration, please email to cfdworkshop2015@gmail.com
"Self Financed Short Term Course on -Matlab based Optimization and Statistical Data Processing, June 12 – 17, 2015"."Spot Registration open up to 12th June 2015. Pl contact the organizers for details".
Self Financed "STTP on Robotics and Automation" during June 08-12, 2015 ". Spot Registration open up to 8th June 2015 till 9.30 AM".
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD-2015) - 22-26 June, 2015 .Few Seats are Left and Registration are Still Open. Contact cfdworkshop2015@gmail.com for details.
National workshop entitled "Research on Biopolymers: Challenges and Opportunities (RBCO-2015)" during June 05-06, 2015
"Environmental Studies" (NMEICT, MHRD, Govt. of India), from 02nd to 12th June 2015.
Short-term training program on “VLSI Design and Embedded Systems” (VDES-2015). [Advertisment] [Form]
STTP on Introduction to Algorithms (NMEICT, MHRD, Govt. of India), May 25-30, 2015.
SELF FINANCED SHORT TERM COURSE On Digital Prototyping with Autodesk Tools (DPAT - 2015) February 27-March 4, 2015
Short term course on "Bio-Inspired and Geospatial Techniques" (BIOGEOS) from Feb. 27-March 03, 2015.
Short Term Course PCRER in EED from 29 Jan.-03 to Feb. 2015.
Self Financed Short Term Course on “Plant and Enzyme Technology” Date: 24- 28 January 2015.
Short Term Course on Geotechnical Investigations for Civil Engineering Projects (GICP-2015).
Short Term Course on Water & Waste Water Quality Examination (WWQE-2015).
Self financed short term course on Nanobiotchnology "during January 23-29, 2015.
Short Term Course on Seismic Analysis, Design and Retrofit of bridges (SADRB-2014) scheduled on 19-23 Decemebr, 2014 is postponed. (Revised Schedule of SADRB-2014)
Inspiration Workshop Selected Candidates first list & second/last list
"Short term course on Rain Water Harvesting ( RWH-2014) in Civil Department."
"Selected Candidates For the workshop NMEICT Awareness. (Outside MNNIT Allahabad)." Short Term Course on “Structural Composite Materials (SCM-2014)” during September 17 – 21, 2014
Interactive Workshop on Communication and People Skills , 22-23 August 2014
Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures (LSDSS-2014) 27 September-01October,2014
Short Term Course on Numerical Optimization Technique (NOT-2014)
List of Short listed candidates for SIMDOC- 2014
"Department of Mechanical Engineering is going to organize a short term on "Design for X" during June 23-27, 2014 on self finance basis" (postponed till further notification)
TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Concrete Bridges - Analysis & Design (CBAD-2014) July 07-11, 2014. (deffered/postpone till further notice)
TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Modern Practices in Concrete Technology (MPCT-2014) June 16-20, 2014.(deffered/postpone till further notice)
"Short Term Course MATLAB and LaTex: Simulation with Documentation (SIMDOC-2014) "
"Software Application for Analysis and Design in Civil Engineering" (SAADCE) June16-June27 2014."
"Short Term Training Programme on Advanced Research Methods, School of Management Studies,MNNIT, July 14-20, 2014." (Registration Closed)
"Department-wise List of Candidates shortlisted for Summer Internship Programme - 2014."
"Short Term Course on Application of Soft Computing Methods in Engineering (ASCME 2014)"
"A Workshop on Disasters and Their Management to be held during May-29-31, 2014."
"Short-Term Course on CAD/CAM and Advanced Machining, July 01 - 05, 2014".
“National Workshop on Advances in Wireless and Optical Networks (AWON-2014), June 02-07, 2014”
"National Instructional Workshop on Cryptology-2014 (NIWC-2014), 5-9 June 2014"
A workshop on Information and Cyber security (“SURAKSHA-2015”) is scheduled on August 19-23, 2015. Registration is open for details please click on [suraksha.mnnit.ac.in].
Short Term Training Program on Chitin & Chitosan Science: A Research Gateway, December 14-20, 2016.
Self Financed Short Term Course on “Research methodologies, Data analysis and Stress tolerance in Plants” 21 to 27January, 2017.
One-Week Self Financed Short Term Course On Application of MATLAB in Science,Technology and Management (AMSTM-2016) (December 01-07, 2016)
GIAN Course on "Emerging Trends in Bio-Robotics for Development of Prosthetic and Orthotic Devices"
Soft Switched & Resonant DC to DC Converter Topologies & their control A GIAN COURSE Venue: MNNIT ALLAHABAD Date: 19 to 23 December 2016 By Prof. Praveen Jain.
GIAN brochure for Computational Simulation of Bio-fluid Systems
TEQIP-II Sponsored Short Term Course on "Advances in Bioscience and Bioengineering" during 19-25, 2016
One Week Short-Term Course on Social Issues and Technology (October 20-26, 2016)
TEQIP-II Sponsored Short Term Course on “Current Advances in Applied Biotechnology” October 13 –19, 2016
Short Term Training Program on Qualitative Research Methods from 18th to 24th October 2016 [brochure ]
Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures (LSDSS-2016) 11 October -16 October, 2016 Department of Civil Engineering Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Allahabad-211004, India .
One week Workshop on Network Simulation (WNS-2016) scheduled on September 28 th - 2 nd October,
2016. Extended Date to Receive Applications: 20 th September, 2016. For Detailed Information [click here]
3 Days Workshop on Water Chemistry: Some Basic Aspects September 23-25, 2016
One Week Self-Financed Refresher Course On Data Structures (DS-2016) From: 4th July- 8th July, 2016 .[Registration Date Extended upto June 20, 2016]
Short listed candidates WISRIC-2016.
"One Week Workshop On Information Security: Research Issues and Challenges March 17 – 21, 2016 Sponsored by: ISEA – Phase II.[click here for more information]"
" One week short term course on " Modeling and Simulations at Nanoscale and Nanostructures (MSNN 2016)" under GIAN scheme "
Click Here for online Registration
Self Financed Workshop on "Flow Cytometry: Applications in Research, Diagnostics and Health Care Innovation is scheduled on December 15-21, 2015
Short Term Course on Water Research by Chemistry Department.
Self Financed Workshop on "DNA Sequencing : Applications in Diagnostics and Health Care Innovation"
Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures-2015
A workshop on Information and Cyber security (“SURAKSHA-2015”) is scheduled on August 19-23, 2015. Registration is open for details please click on [suraksha.mnnit.ac.in].
"Self Financed Short Term Course on, 'Numerical and Optimization Technique (NOT-2015)'"
International Workshop on "Advances in Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics" (ACFD-2015) is scheduled on August 12-16, 2015. [Brochure] [Registration Form] ----->>>> A few seats are left for ACFD-2015. For Registration, please email to cfdworkshop2015@gmail.com
"Self Financed Short Term Course on -Matlab based Optimization and Statistical Data Processing, June 12 – 17, 2015"."Spot Registration open up to 12th June 2015. Pl contact the organizers for details".
Self Financed "STTP on Robotics and Automation" during June 08-12, 2015 ". Spot Registration open up to 8th June 2015 till 9.30 AM".
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD-2015) - 22-26 June, 2015 .Few Seats are Left and Registration are Still Open. Contact cfdworkshop2015@gmail.com for details.
National workshop entitled "Research on Biopolymers: Challenges and Opportunities (RBCO-2015)" during June 05-06, 2015
"Environmental Studies" (NMEICT, MHRD, Govt. of India), from 02nd to 12th June 2015.
Short-term training program on “VLSI Design and Embedded Systems” (VDES-2015). [Advertisment] [Form]
STTP on Introduction to Algorithms (NMEICT, MHRD, Govt. of India), May 25-30, 2015.
SELF FINANCED SHORT TERM COURSE On Digital Prototyping with Autodesk Tools (DPAT - 2015) February 27-March 4, 2015
Short term course on "Bio-Inspired and Geospatial Techniques" (BIOGEOS) from Feb. 27-March 03, 2015.
Short Term Course PCRER in EED from 29 Jan.-03 to Feb. 2015.
Self Financed Short Term Course on “Plant and Enzyme Technology” Date: 24- 28 January 2015.
Short Term Course on Geotechnical Investigations for Civil Engineering Projects (GICP-2015).
Short Term Course on Water & Waste Water Quality Examination (WWQE-2015).
Self financed short term course on Nanobiotchnology "during January 23-29, 2015.
Short Term Course on Seismic Analysis, Design and Retrofit of bridges (SADRB-2014) scheduled on 19-23 Decemebr, 2014 is postponed. (Revised Schedule of SADRB-2014)
Inspiration Workshop Selected Candidates first list & second/last list
"Short term course on Rain Water Harvesting ( RWH-2014) in Civil Department."
"Selected Candidates For the workshop NMEICT Awareness. (Outside MNNIT Allahabad)."
Short Term Course on “Structural Composite Materials (SCM-2014)” during September 17 – 21, 2014
Interactive Workshop on Communication and People Skills , 22-23 August 2014
Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures (LSDSS-2014) 27 September-01October,2014
Short Term Course on Numerical Optimization Technique (NOT-2014)
List of Short listed candidates for SIMDOC- 2014
"Department of Mechanical Engineering is going to organize a short term on "Design for X" during June 23-27, 2014 on self finance basis" (postponed till further notification)
TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Concrete Bridges - Analysis & Design (CBAD-2014) July 07-11, 2014. ( deffered/postpone till further notice)
TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Modern Practices in Concrete Technology (MPCT-2014) June 16-20, 2014. ( deffered/postpone till further notice)
"Short Term Course MATLAB and LaTex: Simulation with Documentation (SIMDOC-2014) "
"Software Application for Analysis and Design in Civil Engineering" (SAADCE) June16-June27 2014."
"Short Term Training Programme on Advanced Research Methods, School of Management Studies,MNNIT, July 14-20, 2014." (Registration Closed)
"Department-wise List of Candidates shortlisted for Summer Internship Programme - 2014."
"Short Term Course on Application of Soft Computing Methods in Engineering (ASCME 2014)"
"A Workshop on Disasters and Their Management to be held during May-29-31, 2014."
"Short-Term Course on CAD/CAM and Advanced Machining, July 01 - 05, 2014".
“National Workshop on Advances in Wireless and Optical Networks (AWON-2014), June 02-07, 2014”
"National Instructional Workshop on Cryptology-2014 (NIWC-2014), 5-9 June 2014"
A workshop on Information and Cyber security (“SURAKSHA-2015”) is scheduled on August 19-23, 2015. Registration is open for details please click on [suraksha.mnnit.ac.in].
Short Term Training Program on Chitin & Chitosan Science: A Research Gateway, December 14-20, 2016.
Self Financed Short Term Course on “Research methodologies, Data analysis and Stress tolerance in Plants” 21 to 27January, 2017.
One-Week Self Financed Short Term Course On Application of MATLAB in Science,Technology and Management (AMSTM-2016) (December 01-07, 2016)
GIAN Course on "Emerging Trends in Bio-Robotics for Development of Prosthetic and Orthotic Devices"
Soft Switched & Resonant DC to DC Converter Topologies & their control A GIAN COURSE Venue: MNNIT ALLAHABAD Date: 19 to 23 December 2016 By Prof. Praveen Jain.
GIAN brochure for Computational Simulation of Bio-fluid Systems
TEQIP-II Sponsored Short Term Course on "Advances in Bioscience and Bioengineering" during 19-25, 2016
One Week Short-Term Course on Social Issues and Technology (October 20-26, 2016)
TEQIP-II Sponsored Short Term Course on “Current Advances in Applied Biotechnology” October 13 –19, 2016
Short Term Training Program on Qualitative Research Methods from 18th to 24th October 2016 [brochure ]
Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures (LSDSS-2016) 11 October -16 October, 2016 Department of Civil Engineering Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Allahabad-211004, India .
One week Workshop on Network Simulation (WNS-2016) scheduled on September 28 th - 2 nd October,
2016. Extended Date to Receive Applications: 20 th September, 2016. For Detailed Information [click here]
3 Days Workshop on Water Chemistry: Some Basic Aspects September 23-25, 2016
One Week Self-Financed Refresher Course On Data Structures (DS-2016) From: 4th July- 8th July, 2016 .[Registration Date Extended upto June 20, 2016]
Short listed candidates WISRIC-2016.
"One Week Workshop On Information Security: Research Issues and Challenges March 17 – 21, 2016 Sponsored by: ISEA – Phase II.[click here for more information]"
" One week short term course on " Modeling and Simulations at Nanoscale and Nanostructures (MSNN 2016)" under GIAN scheme "
Click Here for online Registration
Self Financed Workshop on "Flow Cytometry: Applications in Research, Diagnostics and Health Care Innovation is scheduled on December 15-21, 2015
Short Term Course on Water Research by Chemistry Department.
Self Financed Workshop on "DNA Sequencing : Applications in Diagnostics and Health Care Innovation"
Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures-2015
A workshop on Information and Cyber security (“SURAKSHA-2015”) is scheduled on August 19-23, 2015. Registration is open for details please click on [suraksha.mnnit.ac.in].
"Self Financed Short Term Course on, 'Numerical and Optimization Technique (NOT-2015)'"
International Workshop on "Advances in Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics" (ACFD-2015) is scheduled on August 12-16, 2015. [Brochure] [Registration Form] ----->>>> A few seats are left for ACFD-2015. For Registration, please email to cfdworkshop2015@gmail.com
"Self Financed Short Term Course on -Matlab based Optimization and Statistical Data Processing, June 12 – 17, 2015"."Spot Registration open up to 12th June 2015. Pl contact the organizers for details".
Self Financed "STTP on Robotics and Automation" during June 08-12, 2015 ". Spot Registration open up to 8th June 2015 till 9.30 AM".
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD-2015) - 22-26 June, 2015 .Few Seats are Left and Registration are Still Open. Contact cfdworkshop2015@gmail.com for details.
National workshop entitled "Research on Biopolymers: Challenges and Opportunities (RBCO-2015)" during June 05-06, 2015
"Environmental Studies" (NMEICT, MHRD, Govt. of India), from 02nd to 12th June 2015.
Short-term training program on “VLSI Design and Embedded Systems” (VDES-2015). [Advertisment] [Form]
STTP on Introduction to Algorithms (NMEICT, MHRD, Govt. of India), May 25-30, 2015.
SELF FINANCED SHORT TERM COURSE On Digital Prototyping with Autodesk Tools (DPAT - 2015) February 27-March 4, 2015
Short term course on "Bio-Inspired and Geospatial Techniques" (BIOGEOS) from Feb. 27-March 03, 2015.
Short Term Course PCRER in EED from 29 Jan.-03 to Feb. 2015.
Self Financed Short Term Course on “Plant and Enzyme Technology” Date: 24- 28 January 2015.
Short Term Course on Geotechnical Investigations for Civil Engineering Projects (GICP-2015).
Short Term Course on Water & Waste Water Quality Examination (WWQE-2015).
Self financed short term course on Nanobiotchnology "during January 23-29, 2015.
Short Term Course on Seismic Analysis, Design and Retrofit of bridges (SADRB-2014) scheduled on 19-23 Decemebr, 2014 is postponed. (Revised Schedule of SADRB-2014)
Inspiration Workshop Selected Candidates first list & second/last list
"Short term course on Rain Water Harvesting ( RWH-2014) in Civil Department."
"Selected Candidates For the workshop NMEICT Awareness. (Outside MNNIT Allahabad)."
Short Term Course on “Structural Composite Materials (SCM-2014)” during September 17 – 21, 2014
Interactive Workshop on Communication and People Skills , 22-23 August 2014
Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures (LSDSS-2014) 27 September-01October,2014
Short Term Course on Numerical Optimization Technique (NOT-2014)
List of Short listed candidates for SIMDOC- 2014
"Department of Mechanical Engineering is going to organize a short term on "Design for X" during June 23-27, 2014 on self finance basis" (postponed till further notification)
TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Concrete Bridges - Analysis & Design (CBAD-2014) July 07-11, 2014. ( deffered/postpone till further notice)
TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Modern Practices in Concrete Technology (MPCT-2014) June 16-20, 2014. ( deffered/postpone till further notice)
"Short Term Course MATLAB and LaTex: Simulation with Documentation (SIMDOC-2014) "
"Software Application for Analysis and Design in Civil Engineering" (SAADCE) June16-June27 2014."
"Short Term Training Programme on Advanced Research Methods, School of Management Studies,MNNIT, July 14-20, 2014." (Registration Closed)
"Department-wise List of Candidates shortlisted for Summer Internship Programme - 2014."
"Short Term Course on Application of Soft Computing Methods in Engineering (ASCME 2014)"
"A Workshop on Disasters and Their Management to be held during May-29-31, 2014."
"Short-Term Course on CAD/CAM and Advanced Machining, July 01 - 05, 2014".
“National Workshop on Advances in Wireless and Optical Networks (AWON-2014), June 02-07, 2014”
"National Instructional Workshop on Cryptology-2014 (NIWC-2014), 5-9 June 2014"
A workshop on Information and Cyber security (“SURAKSHA-2015”) is scheduled on August 19-23, 2015. Registration is open for details please click on [suraksha.mnnit.ac.in].