Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the post of Research Associate -I (on contract) in research project entitled “Regional Center for Geodesy (RCG)” at MNNIT Allahabad funded by NRDMS, DST.[Last Date Extended upto 28.08.2002]
Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) (on contract) in research project entitled “Regional Center for Geodesy (RCG) at MNNIT Allahabad” funded by NRDMS, DST.funded by NRDMS, DST.[Last Date Extended upto 28.08.2002]
Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) (on contract) in the research project entitled " An IoT enabled portable device for OND/ ONSD based automated detection of Intracranial Pressure (ICP) through ocular USG imaging ", funded by BDTD (Biomedical Device and Technology Development) Programme of TDT Division of DST, Government of India
Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) (on contract) in the research project entitled "Development and Hardware Implementation of Deep Learning Based Pre-processing Techniques for Thermal Imaging Applications", funded by IRDE, DRDO, Dehradun
Re-advertisement and application format for the post of Junior Research Fellow (on contract) in the Project of Dr. Nand Kishor, PI and Dr. Shubhi Purwar, Co-PI, EED.
Advertisement for the Post of JRF (one) in Electrical Engineering Department. [Click Here for Application Form(MS-Word Format)]
Applications invited for One JRF post in DAE-BRNS research project titled “Development of aerobic granular sludge based biological treatment system for treating pharmaceutical wastewater". [Application Form (DOC)]
Extension of advertisement date for the post of JRF in the SERB Project of Dr. Shweta Tripathi, PI.
Applications invited for One JRF post in DST research project titled “Point-of-care AI technology based X-ray imaging device for automated early diagnosis of viral respiratory diseases. [Advt & Application Form( pdf file)] [Application Form (Word file)]
Advertisement and application format for the post of Junior Research Fellow (on contract) in the Project of Dr. Nand Kishor, PI and Dr. Shubhi Purwar, Co-PI, EED.
Extension of advertisement date for the post of JRF in the SERB Project of Dr. Shweta Tripathi, PI.
Extension of advertisement date for the post of JRF in the SERB Project of Dr. Shweta Tripathi, PI.
Advertisement for the post of JRF in the SERB Project in the Project of Abhishek Kundu,AMD.
Advertisement and application format for the post of Junior Research Fellow (on contract) in the Project of Dr.Seema Nara,PI,Biotechnology.
Advertisement and application format for the post of Junior Research Fellow (on contract) in the Project of Dr. Nand Kishor, PI and Dr. Shubhi Purwar, Co-PI, EED.
Advertisement for the post of JRF in a SERB funded project with Dr. Ambak Kumar Rai [Biotechnology], last date: 11/03/2022, 5.00 PM.
Advertisement for the post of JRF in the SERB Project of Dr. Shweta Tripathi, PI.
Advertisement for the post of JRF in the SERB Project of Dr. Rupika Sinha, PI.
Advertisement for the post of JRF in the SERB Project of Dr. Abhishek Kundu, PI.
Advertisement for the post of JRF in the SERB Project of Dr. Saumendra Sarangi, PI.
Advertisement for the post of JRF in SERB Project of Dr. N.K. Singh, PI.
Advertisement for the post of JRF in DST Project of Dr. Manohar Yadav, Co-PI.
Advertisement for the post of JRF & Field Assistant in the project of Dr. Manohar Yadav. [JRF] [Field Assistant]
Advertisement for the post of JRF & Field Assistant in DST Project of Dr. Manohar Yadav. [JRF] [Field Assistant]
Advertisement for the Post of JRF (on Contract) in the Indo-Norway Joint DST Project of Prof. Richa Negi, PI.
Generation of comprehensive methylome towards developing a qPCR based epigenetic biomarker panel for early detection of buccogingival and tongue carcinoma” [Sanctioned No. 5/13/24/2020/NCD-III; dated 06/07/2021].
Advertisement for the post of Research Associate in the DIC Project of Prof. Shivesh Sharma.
Advertisement for Appointment of Chartered Accountant Firm in Office of the Dean (R&C).
Advertisement for the post of JRF in the project of Dr. Manisha Sachan (with extended date on 12-09-2021)
Advertisement for the post of JRF in the SERB Project of Dr. Anand Sharma, PI
Advertisement for the post of JRF in ICMR Project of Dr. Manisha Sachan, PI
Advertisement for the post of JRF in SERB Project of Dr. Basant Kumar, PI
Advertisement for the post of JRF in SERB Project of Dr. Abhishek Kundu
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant in the CST Project
“Development of novel protection schemes for HYBRID micro grid” sanction letter no. F.No. SRG/2020/002302 dated 02/11/2020’’
Effect of boundary layer growth on blast wave mitigation studies inside the shock tube" sanction letter no. SRG/2020/000168 dated 18/10/2020.
Advertisement for the post of Research Associate in the IMPRESS- ICSSR Project of Prof. G.P. Sahu.
Advertisement for the post of JRF in the project of Dr. Saumendra Sarangi, PI.
Advertisement for the post of JRF in the project of Dr. Anand Sharma, PI.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Effect of Dual Modifications of Starch Isolated from Various Cultivars of Sorghum for the Production of Specialty and Resistant Starches and Evaluation of Genotype Diversity in Cultivars Using Flour As Model" sanction letter no. F.No. Q-11/30/2018 dated 13/12/2018.
Advertisement for the post of JRF in NRDMS Project of Dr. H.K. Pandey, PI.
Advertisement for the Post of Research Associate and Field Investigator(Advertisement No- 09/2020/Project Staff Dated- 13/08/2020) (On Contract) . [Application Form]
JRF Advertise PI Prof Nand Kishor for date extended Advertisement No-08/2020/Project Staff date 19/06/2020.Advertisement No-08/2020/Project Staff date 19/06/2020.
Advertisement for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (On Contract)
Advertisement for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (On Contract). [Application Form]
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the DST Project entitled “Integrated Renewable Resources and Storage: Operation and Management” (Sectioned Letter No. INT/NOR/RCN/P-02/2019 dated 07.11.2019]” of Prof. Richa Negi, Professor & PI, Department of Electrical Engineering.
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the DST Project entitled “Mapping groundwater quality depleted area, Potential Recharge Zones an Evolving the Farmer's need based groundwater recharge structures in District Mahoba of Bundelkhnad Region, U.P” (Sanctioned Letter No. :NRDMS/01/267/2019 (G); dated 15/01/2020)” of Dr. H.K. Pandey, Associate Professor & PI, Department of Civil Engineering.
Advertisement for the Post of JRF (on Contract) in the SERB Project of Dr. Suantak Kamsonlian, PI.
Advertisement with extended date for the Post of JRF (on Contract) in the Indo-Norway Joint DST Project of Prof. Richa Negi, PI.
Advertisement and application format for the post of Project Associate (on contract) in the NMCG Project entitled “GIS-based on Mapping of Microbial Diversity across the Ganges for Ecosystem Services” (Sanction letter No.. TE-16015/11/2019-TECH5 NMCG; dated 06/09/2019)” sanctioned to Dr. Shivesh Sharma, Professor & PI, Department of Biotechnology.
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the DST Project entitled “Development of a novel electrochemical membrane bioreactor (EMBR) for the treatment of low strength municipal wastewater and generation of sustainable bioelectricity simultaneously” (Sanction letter No.. SERB/F/7868/2019-20; dated 19/12/2019) of Dr. Suantak Kamsonlian, Assistant Professor & PI, Department of Chemical Engineering.
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the Indo-Norway Joint DST Project entitled “Integrated Renewable Resources and Storage: Operation and Management” (Sanction letter No..INT/NOR/RCN/P-02/2019 Dated: 07-11-2019)” of Dr. Richa Negi, Professor & PI, Department of Electrical Engineering.
Advertisement and application format for the post of SRF (on contract) in the ICMR Project entitled “Designing and Development of a novel quorum quenching and lytic bacteriophage cocktail based therapeutic strategy by using QS regulated CRISPR-cas system to prevent Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its biofilm associated infections” (Sanction letter No. AMR/Adhoc/184/2019-ECD-II; dated 06/09/2019” of Dr. Vishnu Agarwal, PI, Department of Biotechnology.
Advertisement and application form for the post of the Account Assistants/Office Assistants for Office of the Dean (Research & Consultancy).
Advertisement for the post of JRF in research project entitled Intelligent detection and migration of DDos attack in SDN.
Advertisement and application format for the post of Project Engineer (on contract) for Walk-in-Interview in the AIIMS Patna Project “Third Party quality assurance (TPCA) of Civil, Electrical, Mechanical/HAVC & other allied Works/Semis for AIIMS Patna” of Prof. A.K. Singh, PI, Department of Civil Engineering.
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the SERB Project entitled “Screening and identification of natural inhibitors for ß-Secretase-1 as potential therapeutics against Alzheimer’s disease” (Sanction letter No. CRG/2018/001912, dated 09/03/2019)” of Dr. Ashutosh Mani, PI, Department of Biotechnology.
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the DST/ICPS Project entitled “Intelligent detection and mitigation of DDoS attack in SDN” (Sanction letter No. DST/ICPS)/CPS-Individual/2018/490 (G), dated 08 January, 2019)” of Dr. Shashank Srivastava, PI, Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the MOFPI Project entitled “"Effect of Dual Modifications of Starch Isolated from Various Cultivars of Sorghum for the Production of Specialty and Resistant Starches and Evaluation of Genotype Diversity in Cultivars Using Flour As Model"” (Sanction letter No. Q-11/30/2018 dated 13/12/2018)” of Dr. Harinder Singh, PI, Department of Chemical Engineering
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the DST/ICPS Project entitled “Quad-copter application for live-inspection of power transmission lines” (Sanction letter No. DST/ICPS/CPS-Individual/2018/32(G), dated 03/01/2019)” of Dr. J.C. Mohanta, PI, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Notice on research project entitled " MNRE's 70 lakh Solar Study lamp scheme"
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the DST/ICPS Project entitled "Intelligent detection and mitigation of DDoS attack in SDN” (Sanction letter No. DST/ICPS)/CPS-Individual/2018/490 (G), dated 08 January, 2019) of Dr. Shashank Srivastava, PI, Department of Computer Science & Engineering for information. [Last date extended till 29 March 2019]
Advertisement and application format for the post of Project Assistant (on contract) for Walk-in-Interview in the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) Project of Prof. Arvind Agarwal, Coordinator UBA Cell, Department of Physics.
Advertisement for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (on Contract) in the SERB Project of Dr. Radha Rani,PI
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) for Walk-in-Interview in the SERB Project “Impact of Vetiveria zizanioides (L.), its root exudates and associated microbial communities on biogeochemistry of heavy metals and their application in development of remediation strategies for heavy metal contaminated sites” of Dr. Radha Rani, PI, Department of Biotechnology.
Advertisement and Application Form for the post of Senior Software Developer/SRF for research project entitled “Testing and Evaluation of Crowd Management Strategies at Kumbh Mela Allahabad using Agent Based Modelling and Simulation” sponsored by Kumbh Mela Police, Kumbh Mela, Allahabad.
Advertisement for the post of Research Associate in the ICSSR Project of Dr. Ravindra Tripathi, PI, DHSS[Application Form]
Advertisement with revised schedule for the Post of JRF/SRF/RA (on Contract) in the CSIR Project of Dr. Naresh Kumar, PI
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the SERB Project entitled “Impact of Vetiveria zizanioides (L.), its root exudates and associated microbial communities on biogeochemistry of heavy metals and their application in development of remediation strategies for heavy metal contaminated sites” (Sanction letter No. ECR/2017/001175, dated 06 July, 2018)” of Dr. Radha Rani, PI, Department of Biotechnology.
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF/SRF/RA (on contract) for Walk-in- Interview in the Project of Dr. Naresh Kumar, PI, Department of Physics.
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF/SRF (on contract) in the SERB Project “The effect of micro level progressive matrix plasticity on the macro level response of unidirectional composites: Micromechanics based study” of Dr. V. Murari, Principal Investigator & Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mechanics
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF/SRF (on contract) in the CSIR Project entitled “Studies on Nanoparticles (FeO2 and CuO-NPS) Mediated toxicity, tolerance mechanisms and their toxicity management in some susceptible and tolerant Rice (Oryza stiva L.) varieties” (Sanction letter No. 38(1460)/18/EMR-II dated 04-04-2018)” of Prof. Shivesh Sharma, PI, Department of Biotechnology.
Advertisement and application format for the post of Research Fellow (on contract) in the ARDB-DRDO Project entitled Life Prediction of Turbine Blades under Coated and Uncoated Conditions” (Sanction letter No. ARDB/GTMAP/01/2031851/M/I dated 12-04-2017)” of Prof. K.N. Pandey, PI, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Green Composite Prepared by Waste Sugarcane Bagasse and Poly Lactic Acid (PLA) of Dr. Manoj Kumar Gupta, PI, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Advertisement (No. 23/2018/Project Staff, dated 27-04-2018) for the post of Junior Research Fellow (on contract) in the SERB Project entitled “Mathematical Simulations of Nanoparticles as Drug Carrier on Blood Flow through a Stenotic Artery” of Dr. B. Vasu, PI, Department of Mathematics till 25-06-2018.
Advertisement (No. 20/2018/Project Staff, dated 03-04-2018) for the post of Research Assistant (on contract) in the CST UP Project entitled “Prototype Development of a Novel Dry Powder Inhaler (DPI) for Pulmonary Drug Delivery” of Dr. A.R. Paul, PI, Department of Applied Mechanics till 11-06-2018.
Advertisement and application format for the post of Research Assistant (on contract) in the CST UP Project entitled “Development and Performance Study of Milling Electro-Chemical Spark Machining Process” of Dr. Audhesh Narayan, PI, Department of Mechanical Engineering Department.
Prototype Development of a Novel Dry Powder Inhaler (DPI) for Pulmonary Drug Delivery” of Dr. A.R. Paul, PI, Department of Applied Mechanics till 18-05-2018.
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the DST-SERB Project entitled “Mathematical Simulations of Nanoparticles as Drug Carrier on Blood Flow through a Stenotic Artery” (Sanction letter No. ECR/2017/001053 dated 12-03-2017)” of Dr. B. Vasu, PI, Department of Mathematics.
List of candidates as attached who are provisionally allowed for appear in the Computer Proficiency test on 28-04-2018.
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the ISRO, DOS Project entitled “Multi-temporal Interferometric SAR (MT-InSAR) studies for near-real time landslide monitoring (Sanction letter No. ISRO/RES/4/644/17-18 (G) date 31-08-2017)” of Dr. Ramji Dwivedi, PI, Geographic Information System (GIS) Cell.
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the DST Project entitled “Development of microbial fuel cell (MFC) based process for domestic wastewater treatment and power generation: Application in improving treatment sustainability” of Dr. Radha Rani, PI, Department of Biotechnology.
Advertisement and application format for the post of Research Assistant (on contract) in the CST UP Project entitled “Prototype Development of a Novel Dry Powder Inhaler (DPI) for Pulmonary Drug Delivery” of Dr. A.R. Paul, PI, Department of Applied Mechanics.
Advertisement No. 01/R&C/2017-18/Account Assistants and Office Assistants, dated- 28/03/2018.
Advertisement and application format for the post of Research Assistant (on contract) in the CST UP Project entitled “Bioremediation for removal of reactive dyes from industrial waste water” of Dr. Sushil Kumar, PI, Department of Chemical Engineering.
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the DBT Project entitled “Biosynthesis of Isoprene, an industrially important hydrocarbon, using E.coli as model organism” of Dr. Sameer Srivastava, PI, Department of Biotechnology.
Re-advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the SERB Project “The effect of micro level progressive matrix plasticity on the macro level response of unidirectional composites: Micromechanics based study” of Dr. V. Murari, Principal Investigator & Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Mechanics.
Advertisement and application format for the post of Research Assistant (on contract) in the UP-CST Project of Dr. V.S. Tripathi, PI, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering.
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the SERB Project entitled “Domain specific functional investigation of YB-1(a cold shock domain protein) interactors as prospective therapeutic targets in adenocarcinoma of colon” of Dr. Ashutosh Mani, PI, Department of Biotechnology.
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF/SRA (on contract) in the Project of Dr. Naresh Kumar, PI, Department of Physics.
Advertisement and Application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the DBT Project entitled “Characterization of Epigenetically Deregulated Genes In Colorectal Adenomas/Carcinomas Using Next Generation Sequencing Technologies For Development Of Novel Biomarkers” of Dr. Sameer Srivastava, PI, Department of Biotechnology.
Application format for the post of Junior Research Fellow (on contract) in the BRNS Project entitled “Role of graphene and MoS2 on performance of surface Plasmon resonance based sensors: An application to bio sensing” of Dr. Y.K. Prajapati, Assistant Professor & PI, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering.
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the SERB Project “The effect of micro level progressive matrix plasticity on the macro level response of unidirectional composites: Micromechanics based study” of Dr. V. Murari, Assistant Professor & PI, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering.
Advertisement and application format for the post of Research Assistant (on contract) in the UP-CST Project of Dr. Manoj Kumar Gupta, PI, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Advertisement and application format for the post of Junior Research Fellow (on contract) in the BRNS Project “Role of grapheme and MoS2 on performance of surface Plasmon resonance based sensors: An application to bio sensing” of Dr. Yogendra Kumar Prajapati, PI, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering.
Application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the Project of Dr. Manisha Sachan, PI, Department of Biotechnology.
Advertisement and application format for the post of Junior Research Fellow (on contract) in the DBT Project of Dr. Manoj Kumar, PI, Department of Mathematics.
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (on Contract) in the project of Dr. Manisha Sachan, PI
Advertisement for Appointment of Chartered Accountant Firm in office of the Dean (R&C)
Advertisement for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (On Contract) in the DST Project of Dr. H.K. Pandey
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the Project of Dr. Sameer Srivastava, PI, Department of Biotechnology.
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF/SRD (on contract) in the Project of Dr. Naresh Kumar, PI, Department of Physics.
Advertisement and application format for the post of Junior Research Fellow (on contract) in the Project of Dr. Vishnu Agarwal, PI, Department of Biotechnology.
Advertisement and Application format for the post of Field Assistant (on contract) in the Project of Prof R.P. Singh, Department of Civil Engineering.
Advertisement and Application format for the post of Junior Research Fellow (on contract) in the Project of Dr. H.K. Pandey, Department of Civil Engineering.
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (on contract) of Dr. Ramji Dwivedi, PI
Advertisement for the Post of Project fellow and Project Assistant (On Contract) in the Project of Prof. R.C. Vaishya.
Advertisement for the Project Staffs (on Contract) for the Project of Dr. G.P. Sahu, SMS.
Revised Advertisement and Application format for the post of JRF/SRF/RA (on contract) in the CSIR Project of Dr. Asheesh Kumar Singh, PI, Department of Electrical Engineering.
Revised Advertisement and Application format for the post of Junior Research Fellow ( on Contract) in the DBT Project of Dr. Anjana Pandey, Department of Biotechnology.
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF (on contract) in the DBT Project of Dr. Sangeeta Negi, Department of Biotechnology.
Advertisement and application format for the post of JRF/SRF (on contract) in the CSIR Project of Dr. Naresh Kumar, Dept. of Physics.
Advertisement and application format for the post of Junior Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow/Research Assistant (on contract) in the DBT Project of Dr. Basant Kumar, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering.
Advertisement and Application format for the post of Junior Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow/Research Assistant (on Contract) in the Council of Science & Technology, UP Project of Dr. Arun Prakash, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in NBHM Project of Dr. Manoj Kumar, Mathematics Department.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF/SRF/RA (on contract) in CSIR Project of Dr. Asheesh Kumar Singh, Electrical Engineering Department.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in DBT Project of Dr. R.P. Tewari, AMD 
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF/SRF/RA (on contract) in CSIR Project of Dr. Manoj Kumar, Mathematics Department 
Last date extended for advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in DBT Project of Dr. Anjana Pandey, BTD up to 20.09.2016
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in DBT Project of Dr. Anjana Pandey, BTD
Advertisement and application format for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (on contract) in SERB project of Dr. Anuj Jain, Department of Applied Mechanics
Last date extended for advertisement and application format for the Post of Research Fellow (on contract) in UPPCB Project of Dr. R.P. Singh, Department of Civil Engineering up to 01/08/2016
Advertisement and application format for the Post of Research Fellow (on contract) in MHRD project of Dr. Shivesh Sharma, Department of Biotechnology
Advertisement of JRF and Project/ Field Assistant
Last date extended for advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF/SRF/RA (on contract) in CSIR Project of Dr.Manoj Kumar, Department of Mathematics up to 31/07/2016
Advertisement for the post of JRF in SERB Project of Dr. Vishnu Agrawal,Biotechnology Department
Advertisement for the post of Research Associate on contract in Mathematics Department.
Advertisement for the post of JRF-SRF-RA-PA on contract in Mathematics Department
Advertisement for the post of JRF in Applied Mechanics Department.
Last date extended up to 01.07.2016 for the post of Research Fellow on contract in UPPCB Project of Dr. Ram Pal Singh, CED.
Advertisement for the post of RA in SMDP Project of Dr. Rajiv Tripathi, ECED.
Advertisement for the JRF position in Physics Department.
Advertisement and Application format for the Post of Research Fellow (on contract) in UPPCB Project of Dr. R.P. Singh, Civil Engineering Department.
Advertisement and Application format for the Post of Field Assistant and Research Fellow (on contract) in UPPCB Project of Dr. R.P. Singh, Civil Engineering DepartmentPost of Field Assistant and Research Fellow (on contract) in UPPCB Project of Dr. R.P. Singh, Civil Engineering Department
Advertisement and application format for the Post of RA (on contract) in ICSSR Project of Dr. Rajesh Kumar Shastri, Humanities and Social Sciences Department.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in SERB Project of Dr .Pitam Singh, Mathematics Department.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in MNRE Project of Dr. Rajesh Gupta, EED
Advertisement and application format for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (on contract) in SERB project of Dr. V. Murari, Department of Applied Mechanics
Advertisement for the post of JPF/JRF (on contract) in INSPIRE project (IFA-12-PH43) of Department of Physics
Advertisement and application format for the Post of Lab Engineer and RA (on contract) in SMDP-C2S project of Dr. Rajeev Tripathi, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
Last date extended for advertisement and application format for the Post of Research Associate (on contract) in CSIR Project of Dr. Asheesh Kumar Singh, Department of Electrical Engineering up to 29/02/2016.
Advertisement for the Post of JRF (on contract) in SERB project of Department of Biotechnology
Advertisement for the Post of Research Associate (on contract) in CSIR project of Department of Electrical Engineering
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in SERB Project of Dr. Vishnu Agrawal, BTD
Notice for postponing the walk In-Interview for the post of Research Assistant (RA) /Technical Assistant (TA) [Purely contractual] in CIR from TEQIP-II [Clcik here for Advertisment]
Advertisement for the Post of Senior Research Assistant (on contract) in CST project of Dr. Anuj Jain, Department of Applied Mechanics 
Last date extended for advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in DBT Project of Dr. Anjana Pandey, Department of Biotechnology up to 30/10/2015
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in DBT Project of Dr. Anjana Pandey, BTD
Advertisement for JRF/JPF position in Physics Department [Form]
Last date extended for advertisement and application format for the Post of Research Associate (on contract) in CSIR Project of Dr. Rajesh Gupta, Department of Electrical Engineering up to 05/10/2015
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in DBT Project of Dr. Sameer Srivastava, BTD
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in DBT Project of Dr. Ambak Kumar Rai, BTD
Advertisement and application format for the Post of RA (on contract) in CSIR Project of Dr. Rajesh Gupta, EED
Last date extended for advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in SERB Project of Dr. S.R. Mohanty, Department of Electrical Engineering up to 30/08/2015
Last date extended for advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in DST Project of Dr. Nand Kishor, Department of Electrical Engineering up to 27/08/2015
Notice for reschedule of the Interview dated 19.08.2015 and 20.08.2015 [Technical Manpower (ECED, MED) and Computer Skilled Manpower (TEQIP)] against advertisement No. 04 /2015, dated May 21, 2015.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of RA (on contract) in CSIR Project of EED
Advertisement and application format for the Post of Research Assistant and Research Fellow (on contract) in MHRD Project of Dr. Shivesh Sharma, BTD. [Research Assistant] [Research Fellow]
Last date extended for advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in SERB Project of Dr. S.R. Mohanty, Department of Electrical Engineering up to 20/08/2015
Last date extended for advertisement and application format for the Post of SRA (on contract) in CSTUP Project in Department of Applied Mechanics up to 17/08/2015
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in DST Project in EED .
Last date extended for advertisement and application format for the Post of SRA (on contract) in CSTUP Project in Department of Applied Mechanics up to 17/08/2015.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of SRF (on contract) in MNRE Project in BTD.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of SRA (on contract) in CST Project in AMD.
Revised Advertisement and application form for JRF in SERB Project of Biotechnology Department.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of Research Assistant (on contract) in UPCST Project of Dr. Ashutosh Mani, BTD. 
Last date extended for the Post of RA/SRF/JRF (on contract) in CSIR Project in Department of Mathematics.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in SERB Project in Bio Technology Department .
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in SERB Project in Bio Techonology Department.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of RA/SRF/JRF (on contract) in CSIR Project in Mathematics.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in SERB Project in BTD.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in DBT Project in BTD. 
Advertisement and application format for the Post of RA/SRF/JRF (on contract) in CSIR Project in Department of Mathematics up to 28/02/2015.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of Research Associate and Field Investigator on Hiring Basis in ICSSR Project in SMS.
[Research Associate] and [Field Investigator]
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant and Laboratory Assistant (on contract) in UPPCB Project in CED.
[Research Assistant] and [Laboratory Assistant ]
Advertisement and application format for the Post of Research Assistant (on contract) in UPPCB Project in CED
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF/SRF (on contract) in DBT Project in BTD.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in BRNS Project in ECED.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in AR &DB Project in MED
Last date extended for the Post of JRF (on contract) in SERB project of Applied Mechanics Department up to 11/02/2015.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of RA/SRF/JRF (on contract) in CSIR Project of Department of Mathematics.
Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the post of Project Fellow (on contract) in the project entitled “Water Quality Assessment under Sanitary Improvement Project” sanction order no-LKO/WASH/WATER/2014/503 dated 27/08/2014.
Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the post of Helper (on contract) in the project entitled “Water Quality Assessment under Sanitary Improvement Project” sanction order no-LKO/WASH/WATER/2014/503 dated 27/08/2014.
Advertisement for the post of JRF in CSIR Project Department of Mathematics.Mathematics.
Last date extended for the Post of Project Fellow and Helper (on contract) in UNICEF project of Civil Engineering Department up to 10/12/2014.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (on contract) in SERB Project in Department of Applied Mechanics.
Last date extended for the Post of JRF (on contract) in SERB project of Biotechnology Department up to 05/12/2014.
Advertisement for the post of JRF in Biotechnology Deptarment.
Advertisement for the post of JRF in Biotechnology Deptarment.
Advertisement for the post of Project Fellow in UNICEF project of Civil Engineering Departmen t
Advertisement for the post of Helper in UNICEF project of Civil Engineering Department
Advertisement for the post of JRF in Civil Engineering Deptartment
"Advertisement for the Post of Senior Research Fellow (On Contract) of Department of Biotechnology."
Advertisement for the Post of RA/SRF (On Contract) in CSIR Project of Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Last date extended for the Post of JRF(on contract) in SERB project of AMD up to 07/10/2014.
Advertisment and application formate for the post of RA (on contract) in ICSSR of Department of Humanities and Social Science
Advertisement for JRF/JPF of Department of Physics
Last date extended for the Post of JRF(on contract) in SERB project of BTD up to 05/09/2014.
Last date extended for the Post of JRF(on contract) in SERB project of AMD up to 06/09/2014.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in SERB project of Department of Applied Mechanics
"Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in DST project of Department of Physics ".
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in SERB project of Department of Biotechnology.
Advertisement and application format for the Post of JRF (on contract) in SERB project of Department of Applied Mechanics .
Advertisement for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (On Contract) of Department of Biotechnology .
Advertisement for the Post of Project Assistant (On Contract) of Department of Biotechnology
Advertisement for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (On Contract) of Department of Biotechnology
Advertisement for the Post of Senior Research Fellow (On Contract) of Department of Mechanical Engineering .
Walk In-interview for the purely contractual post of Technical Assistant under TEQIP-II on 10.06.2014 .
Walk In-interview for the purely contractual post of Research Assistant under TEQIP-II on 10.06.2014 .
Advertisement for the post of Research Associate (on contract) CSIR in MED
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant (on contract) UPPCB project in CED
"Advertisement for the post of Research Associate (on contract) ICSSR in School of Management Studies "
"Advertisement for the post of Research Associate (on contract) HUDCO project in School of Management Studies "
"Last date extended upto September 06, 2013 for the Post of Research Associate (On Contract) in Centre for Interdisciplinary Research "
"Advertisement for the post of JRF(on contract) DBT project, Department of Biotechnology "
"Advertisement for the post of JRF (on contract) SERB project, Department of Civil Engineering "
"Advertisement for the post of Field Assistant (on contract) UPPCB project, Department of Civil Engineering "