// Name: FloatingBehavior.debug.js
// Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit
// Version:
// FileVersion:
Sys.Extended.UI.FloatingBehavior = function(element) {
Sys.Extended.UI.FloatingBehavior.initializeBase(this, [element]);
var _handle,
var _mouseDownHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, mouseDownHandler);
/// Move event handler.
this.add_move = function(handler) {
this.get_events().addHandler('move', handler);
this.remove_move = function(handler) {
this.get_events().removeHandler('move', handler);
/// Handles to drag the panel around.
this.get_handle = function() {
return _handle;
this.set_handle = function(value) {
if(_handle != null)
$removeHandler(_handle, "mousedown", _mouseDownHandler);
_handle = value;
$addHandler(_handle, "mousedown", _mouseDownHandler);
this.get_profileProperty = function() {
return _profileProperty;
this.set_profileProperty = function(value) {
_profileProperty = value;
this.get_profileComponent = function() {
return _profileComponent;
this.set_profileComponent = function(value) {
_profileComponent = value;
/// Defines the location of an element being dragged.
this.get_location = function() {
return _location;
this.set_location = function(value) {
if(_location != value) {
_location = value;
$common.setLocation(this.get_element(), _location);
this.initialize = function() {
Sys.Extended.UI.FloatingBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');
var el = this.get_element();
_location = $common.getLocation(el);
el.style.position = "fixed";
$common.setLocation(el, _location);
this.dispose = function() {
if(_handle && _mouseDownHandler)
$removeHandler(_handle, "mousedown", _mouseDownHandler);
_mouseDownHandler = null;
Sys.Extended.UI.FloatingBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose');
this.checkCanDrag = function(element) {
var undraggableTagNames = ["input", "button", "select", "textarea", "label"],
tagName = element.tagName;
if((tagName.toLowerCase() == "a") && (element.href != null) && (element.href.length > 0))
return false;
if(Array.indexOf(undraggableTagNames, tagName.toLowerCase()) > -1)
return false;
return true;
function mouseDownHandler(ev) {
window._event = ev;
var el = this.get_element();
if(this.checkCanDrag(ev.target)) {
_dragStartLocation = $common.getLocation(el);
// Type get_dataType()
this.get_dragDataType = function() {
return "_floatingObject";
// Object get_data(Context)
this.getDragData = function(context) {
return null;
// DragMode get_dragMode()
this.get_dragMode = function() {
return Sys.Extended.UI.DragMode.Move;
// void onDragStart()
this.onDragStart = function() { }
// void onDrag()
this.onDrag = function() { }
this.onDragEnd = function(canceled) {
if(!canceled) {
var handler = this.get_events().getHandler('move');
if(handler) {
var cancelArgs = new Sys.CancelEventArgs();
handler(this, cancelArgs);
canceled = cancelArgs.get_cancel();
var el = this.get_element();
if(canceled) {
// Restore the position of the control.
$common.setLocation(el, _dragStartLocation);
} else {
_location = $common.getLocation(el);
this.startDragDrop = function(dragVisual) {
Sys.Extended.UI.DragDropManager.startDragDrop(this, dragVisual, null);
this.get_dropTargetElement = function() {
return document.body;
// bool canDrop(DragMode, DataType, Data)
this.canDrop = function(dragMode, dataType, data) {
return (dataType == "_floatingObject");
// void drop(DragMode, DataType, Data)
this.drop = function(dragMode, dataType, data) { }
// void onDragEnterTarget(DragMode, DataType, Data)
this.onDragEnterTarget = function(dragMode, dataType, data) { }
// void onDragLeaveTarget(DragMode, DataType, Data)
this.onDragLeaveTarget = function(dragMode, dataType, data) { }
// void onDragInTarget(DragMode, DataType, Data)
this.onDragInTarget = function(dragMode, dataType, data) { }
Sys.Extended.UI.FloatingBehavior.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI.FloatingBehavior', Sys.Extended.UI.BehaviorBase, Sys.Extended.UI.IDragSource, Sys.Extended.UI.IDropTarget, Sys.IDisposable);